Women's Health US Abo

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Fitness für Frauen 

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Women's Health US Abo

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Themen | 011/2023 (17.11.2023)
  • making waves
    Actor Sydney Sweeney feels most like herself when she’s on the water, whether waterskiing or spending time with family. And that connection with home flows into all aspects of her public life.
  • Know Your Options
    Emergency contraception is more important than ever, so you should understand exactly how to get it—and use it. Ahead, an ob-gyn debunks common misperceptions.
Themen | 012/2023 (09.01.2024)
  • Anatomy of a TRANSFORMATION
    The beauty of transformation—which by definition means a “thorough or dramatic change”—is that it’s ATTAINABLE, no matter how daunting. Sometimes it’s as easy as just doing it. Sometimes it takes a THERAPY sesh (or two, or three) to get there. Sometimes all you need is a chat with a friend who succeeded in order to KICK-START your own. We’ve got expert INSIGHTS into what helps, as well as stories from women who’ve been there. The new you awaits.…
    The U.S. is in the midst of a MATERNAL HEALTH CRISIS, yet some of the most common conditions are entirely TREATABLE and PREVENTABLE—and new breakthroughs are on the horizon.
Themen | 002/2024 (01.03.2024)
    Meet six athletes with six different health challenges. Their commonality? They all learned to thrive while owning their condition.
  • How Angel Reese Manifested the Life of Her DREAMS
    The college basketball phenom knows what she wants and how to get there—with epic focus, drive, and determination.
  • Why Women Are Choosing to Be Child-Free
    The choice can be liberating, yet stigmas persist. Here, how to cut through the noise with clarity and confidence to make the decision that’s right for *you.*
    Game-changing WEIGHT-MANAGEMENT drugs are finally going mainstream. But as with any buzzy HEALTH topic, with the fascination come plenty of myths and misunderstandings. WH has the EXPERT info for determining whether one of the next-gen meds is right for you.
004/2024 (27.03.2024)
Themen | 006/2024 (28.05.2024)
  • A Stadium of Their Own
    The Kansas City Current’s new home is a first for women’s sports.
    WH investigated when, where, and how ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MAY INTEGRATE WITH MEDICINE effectively (and safely!). And the future looks bright.
  • The Heart Attack All Women Should Know About
    It mostly strikes the young and healthy—and doctors are searching for answers.
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Porträt von Women's Health US

Women`s Health (US) im Abo: Das englischsprachige Lifestyle- Magazin für Frauen

Women`s Health (US) beinhaltet aktuelle und nützliche Informationen für ein sportliches und erfolgreiches Leben. Hier finden Frauen wertvolle Trainings-, Ernährungs- und Gesundheitstipps sowie fundierte Ratgeber und Themenspecials über Fitness, Modetrends, Stil, Liebe und Beruf. Das Magazin unterstützt seine Leserinnen dabei, ihr Leben angenehmer, erfolgreicher und souveräner zu gestalten.

Das Abonnement Women`s Health (US) für alle aktiven Frauen

Das Magazin richtet sich an Frauen, die großen Wert auf ein gesundes, ausgeglichenes und optimistisches Leben legen.

Die Abo Angebote für Women`s Health (US) nach Ihrer Wahl

Sie finden für Women`s Health (US) das Jahresabo ohne Mindestbezugszeitraum und ein automatisch endendes Jahres-Geschenkabo, um dessen Kündigung Sie sich also nicht mehr kümmern müssen. Oft gibt es ein Probeabo mit einem Gratismonat. Fehlt Ihnen ein Angebot für einen kürzeren oder anderen Zeitraum, so sagen Sie es uns gern. Auch beim Rechnungszeitraum können wir Ihnen entgegenkommen.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Women's Health US

  • Future of Fitness
    Earlier this year, Women’s Health and Men’s Health teamed up with The Hartford, a leading small-business insurance provider, to host our first-ever Strength in Diversity Summit—a day of networking and life-changing inspiration led by true trailblazers in the fitness industry. Here are our panelists’ best insights that anyone can apply to life.
  • Firsts Class
    When WH Special Projects Director Amanda Lucci discovered an exclusive club catering to magicians, she found not just a potential hobby but a new mission in life.
  • Fridge Goals
    Take a peek into the fridges of WH’s editors and advisors for their must-buy products. For this issue, we asked: What do you keep on hand for fast midday fuel? Let’s talk lunch.…
  • Long Weekend
    Eager to check off a long-awaited bucket list experience, Lifestyle Director Lindsay Geller embarked on an arctic adventure to Tromsø, Norway.
  • body
    The skin below the chin can get short shrift. These goodies will make you want to take care of it all.
  • Come Along With Us!
    Earlier this year, the Women’s Health staff gathered to photograph our 2024 beauty award winners in New York City. You’re paging through the results of our efforts now—here’s a sneak peek at how the magic happened.
  • makeup
    A skin tint that perfects in one swipe, a lip-and-cheek stick you can dab on in seconds—these items please with their ease.
  • skin
    Fine lines? Gone! Dark spots? A thing of the past! That zit that won’t quit? Adios, honey. These creams and lotions deliver.
  • hair
    Our strands bear the brunt of our beauty habits. When frying heat, overbleaching, and tight styles come into play, show your locks some love.
  • nails
    A handful of ingenious hacks keep your digits at the tippity-top of their game.
  • Super Strolls
    The simplest human movement is getting a rebrand—and the upgrades mean legit mind and body benefits.
  • Every Inch Counts
    The inchworm primes major muscle groups for activity—no equipment needed.
  • A Stadium of Their Own
    The Kansas City Current’s new home is a first for women’s sports.
  • Soil Solve
    A growing food movement empowers farmers to leverage natural resources to produce better, healthier, more sustainable foods. Groundbreaking? Not exactly. Game-changing? You bet.
  • Adventure Eats
    Not all snacks are created equal. The best ones will keep you satisfied on any journey, from everyday errands to vacation excursions.
  • Dinner Delight
    A (hefty) sprinkle of the smoky-sweet Middle Eastern spice blend works wonders on a plain ol’ chicken breast.
  • The Heart Attack All Women Should Know About
    It mostly strikes the young and healthy—and doctors are searching for answers.
  • How to Help Yourself
    Learning the best ways to speak up and protect your heart health is really smart. Take control of what you can!
  • Magnesium
    Is the supplement really a boon for sleep, recovery, and beyond?
  • Energy Drain Game
    Experts break down the science of “digital fatigue” and share how to get your pep back.
  • Train Your Brain to Truly Enjoy Exercise
    Some people love to sweat. Some… would rather not. Either way, you can mold your mind to extract more pleasure from activity.
    With her third album on the way, HIP-HOP’S IT GIRL is in her strongest era yet. Here, the Grammy-winning rapper reveals how she QUIETS THE NOISE of haters, HYPES herself up, and embraces a revamped approach to HEALTH and WELLNESS.
    WH investigated when, where, and how ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MAY INTEGRATE WITH MEDICINE effectively (and safely!). And the future looks bright.
    In a Women’s Health poll of more than 1,000 Instagram followers, 82% of respondents said they think about their own body image
  • Lolo Spencer
    An actor, disability advocate, and entrepreneur who knows that confidence comes with community
  • Ash Pryor
    One of Peloton’s first rowing instructors just happens to also be smashing stereotypes along the way
  • Candice Huffine
    A model and the founder of an inclusive activewear brand is tuning out the noise and in to her body in 2024.
    Beauty writer and mother of three daughters KRISTA BENNETT DEMAIO explores the complexion craze she never saw coming.